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Client Grooming Agreement

Please fill out the following contract/agreement

Nervous Dogs & Accidents: While the utmost caution and care are taken to groom your dog, there is always the possibility an accident can occur. Extreme caution and patience is exercised when grooming your pet, but accidents could include razor burn, nicks, scratches, etc. 

In the event of an accident during grooming Sabina Poinelli will contact the owner if available; otherwise, she will take your dog to the closest veterinarian that is available. If in the rare occurrence, an accident does happen, it is agreed that all expenses for veterinary care will be covered by the dog’s owner upon signing this contract/agreement.


Senior Dogs, Stress on Dogs & Veterinary care: Careful attention is made to make your pet’s grooming experience is stress-free, but grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful, especially for dogs with health problems, senior dogs or dogs with behavioral problems. The grooming process itself can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one during or after the groom. This contract/agreement gives permission for Sabina Poinelli to seek medical attention immediately should it be deemed necessary. Sabina Poinelli will do his/her best to contact me first, then take my pet to my authorized Veterinarian. I agree that I will pay for all expenses for Veterinary care.


Hold Harmless Agreement: By signing this contract I, the owner, agrees to hold Sabina Poinelli harmless from any damage, loss, or claim arising from any condition of my pet(s), either known or unknown to Sabina Poinelli. It is also further understood and agreed the terms of this agreement can change at any time, without notice, and will overwrite any and all prior signed contracts or releases.


Photos: Owner agrees upon signing this contract/agreement that
Sabina Poinelli is allowed to take photos of their dog(s) before and after a groom to be used for advertising, posting on social media websites, third party affiliates, etc.


Aggressive or Dangerous Pets: I agree that I MUST inform Sabina Poinelli if my pet(s) bites, has bitten, or is aggressive to people, other pets or specific grooming procedures. Muzzles may be used if necessary. Muzzling will not harm your pet(s), and protects both the pet and the groomer. Sabina Poinelli reserves the right to refuse/stop services for such pet(s) at any time before or during the grooming process, and charge a handling fee for aggressive pets in addition to the regular grooming charge. If the pet should bite, I agree to be responsible for any and all related medical bills, recovery costs, loss of income and equipment damage.


Note: This form will automatically apply to any and all additional pets acquired by above Pet Owner.

Does your pet have any ongoing medical condition(s)?

Thanks for submitting!

©2022 by Zen Dog Grooming

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